Learning Languages

What is Learning Languages about?

Through learning a new language, students extend their linguistic and cultural understandings, their ability to interact with other speakers appropriately and explore their own personal world.

How is Learning Languages structured in the New Zealand Curriculum?

The Communication Strand is the core strand where students learn to use the languages to make meaning.

The understanding of communication is embedded throughout the other two strands.

An understanding of Language Knowledge helps students to develop knowledge of the language, which will contribute to greater accuracy.

An understanding of Cultural Knowledge helps students to compare and contrast different cultures.

How is Learning Languages taught in our school?

At Burnside Primary School the key focus of Learning Languages is for our learners to be exposed to, and to develop their skills and understanding of, Te Reo Māori and Māori culture, history and traditions. Knowledge of the Māori language and culture will be taught both explicitly and also integrated into authentic contexts. A variety of strategies will be implemented to engage and challenge learners at their appropriate language acquisition level.

We will:

  • specifically teach and provide time to develop Te Reo Māori and aspects of the Māori culture
  • appropriately integrate Te Reo Māori and aspects of the Māori culture across all teaching and learning areas
  • provide authentic ways to share and celebrate learning outcomes to a range of audiences (kapa haka, waiata, The Arts, literacy)

What other languages do we teach?

We have wonderful language tutors who teach some of our children different languages. This happens every Wednesday afternoon. It is an 'opt-in' program with small class sizes. Languages include:

Please visit this link to La Découverte, our french bilingual class, for more information.