Digital Technology

We aim to teach our tamariki and young people how digital technologies work, and how they can use that knowledge to solve problems.

What does Burnside Primary School offer?

Burnside Primary School is well resourced to offer its learners great opportunities to be confident users of digital technology. We are a Google for Education school with sets of Chromebooks and iPads in each syndicate - Year 1-2, Year 3-4, and Year 5-6.

All syndicates have sets of iPads that are used to enhance their learning. Apps, such as Seesaw may be used to share their learning, and other apps such as Puppet Pals, Wordcloud, Scratch, Chatterpix, Stop Motion, Minecraft are used to create digital learning.

At Burnside Primary School we are constantly reviewing the teaching and learning opportunities we offer our learners. We believe learning is enhanced when digital technologies are integrated into the daily programme and across the curriculum.

What do we have at BPS to help support us implement the new Digital Technologies content?


  • Beebots
  • Spheros
  • Edisons

iPad apps:

  • Seesaw
  • Stop Motion
  • Minecraft
  • Wordcloud
  • iMovie
  • Pic Collage
  • Chatterpix
  • Book Creator
  • Puppet Pals
  • QR code
  • and many more!


  • Scratch & Scratch Jr
  • Apps to support our robotics

Web-based apps:

  • Google apps (Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc)
  • Minecraft
  • Seesaw
  • Scratch
  • Book Creator

Digital Technology is two new areas in the Technology Learning area of the New Zealand Curriculum

1. Computational Thinking for Digital Technologies

Students will develop an understanding of computer science principles that underlie all digital technologies. They’ll learn core programming concepts so that they can become creators of digital technology, not just users.

2. Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes

Learning how to design quality, fit for purpose, digital solutions.


Why are digital technologies being used for learning?

Education is changing. For many of us, where our children learn, what they learn and how they learn is very different from what we experienced at school.

As our world keeps changing we need our young people to be confident, creative, connected and actively involved life-long learners. We need an education system that supports the development of values, knowledge and competencies, and sets them up to do well in the world.

Digital technologies are an important part of your child's world. Your child uses them to connect with each other, to learn new skills and pursue their interests further than has ever been possible.

They also offer new opportunities for teachers and leaders, and new ways for you, your whānau, iwi and community to contribute to your child's learning.

Digital technologies can enable:

  • learning to happen anywhere and any at any time, not just in the classroom
  • your child to connect and collaborate with other students and teachers outside their school and even across the world
  • your child to understand challenging concepts in virtual worlds that would not otherwise be possible
  • easy access to the huge range of resources available on the internet to support learning (websites, apps and more)
  • you, your family, whānau and community to become more involved and contribute to your child's education, for example  through school Facebook pages and student blogs, and
  • your child to follow personal interests and talents and access experts not available to them locally.
