Extension & Enrichment

Burnside Primary is committed to providing opportunities for children who have been identified as having the potential to reach a high level of achievement in different areas.

These areas may include:

  • Intellectual / academic
  • Visual art, performing arts, music
  • Sports
  • Cultural
  • Leadership
  • Creativity


Children are monitored through a Special Abilities Register and are offered a range of different programmes and opportunities to meet their needs.

  • Inquiry based learning in the classrooms
  • Differentiated programmes
  • External competitions such as ICAS and CEM
  • Mentoring with UC students through the Children's University (University of Canterbury)
  • Leadership opportunities (e.g. High Performance Sport)
  • Choir, with the opportunity to be selected for the Christchurch Schools’ Representative Choir
  • Orchestra, with the opportunity to be selected for the Christchurch Music Festival orchestra
  • Itinerant music teachers who teach a range of different instruments
  • Sports coaching from trained coaches and representative players
  • Chemistry Club
  • Extension opportunities in curriculum areas (Writing and Mathematics)
  • Performing Arts, with the opportunity to take a lead role in the school operetta
  • Kapa Haka