How is Health and Physical Education taught in our school?
To ensure the integrity of both Health and Physical Education, aspects of each will be taught as standalone subjects but integrated where appropriate through our concepts of Community and Hauora/Well-being.

Here at Burnside Primary School we value the opportunity and positive interactions that children can experience through sport. One of our core beliefs is that children should be active learners, and a key part of that is being involved with sport. Children are able to participate in wide a range of summer and winter sporting activities both at school and outside of school competitions.
Daily fitness makes up a regular part of our day, with the children loving developing endurance, stamina, and strength during this time. Physical Education lessons across the school assist children in learning and developing skills and game sense. Our whole school participates in athletics sports, swimming sports and cross country. To assist with the development of fundamental skills, a Perceptual Motor Programme operates for children in the Junior School.
Burnside Primary School is a member of the ‘West Zone’ in the Canterbury Sports Association and this means that our children take are able to take part in ‘zone’ and ‘central’ winter tournaments, cross-country, athletic, swimming events, basketball, and other sporting events.
All Year 5 and 6 children take part in a winter sport (hockey, netball, rugby and football) programme, competing against other primary school teams at Hagley Park, Nunweek Park, and sometimes nearby schools.
We have one competitive Year 5 & 6 basketball team, which competes in Term 2 and Term 3 at the YMCA in Bishopdale on Thursday/Friday after school. We also enter teams into a Year 3 & 4 competition, which runs in Term 1 and 4.
Swimming across the school in Term 1 and Term 4 is at Jellie Park. Water safety has been deemed a priority by the Board of Trustees, and we take advantage of such a fantastic facility so close to our school.
We also offer Hip-hop dance and Aerobics to our students, which compete in Term 3 competitions.
Please see our drop-down menu to check out our Healthy Active Living (Whole school) and Perpetual Motor Programme (Junior School).

Current Sports Activities Include:
- Swimming Sports and swim lessons Yr 0-6 - Term 1 & 4
- Athletics (Summer) Yr 0-6
- Cross Country Yr 0-6
- Winter Weekly Sports Competition (Yr 5-6) - Term 2 & 3 (Rugby, Netball, Soccer, Hockey)
- Basketball Yr 5-6 - Term 2 & 3
- Basketball Yr 3-4 - Term 1 & 4
- Hip-hop dance Yr 5-6 - All year, but competing in Term 3
- Aerobics Yr 5-6 - All year, but competing in Term 3.
- Water Polo Yr 5-6
- Chess team