Communities Liaison


Welcome! My name is Maria Viselli and my role as the Communities Liaison serves to coordinate the Burnside Primary School in communicating and working effectively with the diverse communities represented in our school, and to serve as an advocate for LEP (Limited English Proficient) persons who may seek advice, translation services within the school, and information regarding our school. This pilot project began in February 2020 with the overall goal to build positive relationships between the school, tutors, translators, parents, and caregivers of our communities. This role focuses most importantly on the promotion of inclusion, communication and access to community opinions, observations and activities in and around our school.

in Term 1 2020, under this role, we have launched pilot language courses that have been successfully received thanks to our tutors. One of my responsibilities is to monitor all relevant documentation is translated and distributed to those in the BPS community.

It is important to know that behind every language, there is a culture which is fundamental to our identities, and at BPS we are proud to nurture the interwoven identities of our tamariki.



Maria Viselli

Communities Liaison