(Positive Behaviour For Learning)

Burnside Primary School is proudly a PB4L school.

At Burnside Primary School we promote, value and engage with AKO behaviours.  These underpin the way we behave at Burnside Primary and work in conjunction with our Burnside Primary School Values

Aroha:  to love, feel pity, feel concern for, feel compassion, empathise.

Kaha:  to be strong, able, capable, courageous, intense, energetic.

Ora:  to be well, safe, healthy, fit, healed.

A major strength of the PB4L approach is its emphasis on school-wide systems that support proactive adult strategies such as designing, teaching, and reinforcing desirable student behaviours. 

Instead of responding to behavioural incidents in a random, reactive way, we have developed and implemented a continuum of positive behaviour support for use across all settings in the school.

The continuum includes school-wide strategies for all students (Tier One interventions), Tier Two interventions for groups of students at risk of problem behaviour, and Tier Three interventions for individual students. 

Some of the ways you might notice PB4L in action at Burnside Primary School are:

  • AKO awards being given out by all staff in our school for ākonga showing Aroha, Kaha or Ora.
  • Posters around our school showing Aroha, Kaha and Ora.
  • Lessons being taught in all learning spaces, focusing on a different expected behaviour fortnightly.
  • Paragraphs in our school newsletter about how whānau can support the expected behaviour lessons at home.
  • Celebrations and rewards for ākonga and staff when they reach previously set goals.  Some recent examples have been a whole school swim at Jellie Park, movie afternoons, free afternoons, a teddy bears picnic and games afternoons.
  • Staff celebrating other staff such as shared lunches, acknowledgements and celebrations.